Brooklyn Poets Anthology: edited by Jason Koo & Joe Pan
Editors: Jason Koo & Joe Pan
Pub Date: April 20, 2017
432 Pages
Paperback ISBN: 9781936767526
Ebook ISBN: 9781936767533
Co-published by Brooklyn Arts Press & Brooklyn Poets
Brooklyn has long been known as having one of the most vibrant poetry scenes in the world, yet there has never been an anthology devoted to celebrating the many contemporary poets who call it home. The Brooklyn Poets Anthology is a landmark collection offering a panoramic snapshot of the Brooklyn poetry community—itself composed of many different communities—emphasizing a variety of voices, aesthetics, and traditions.
Gathered here are 170 poets, including Philip Levine, Bernadette Mayer, Vijay Seshadri, Edward Hirsch, Aracelis Girmay, Martín Espada, Gregory Pardlo, Kimiko Hahn, Tom Sleigh, Lemon Andersen, Kim Addonizio, Patricia Spears Jones, Timothy Donnelly, Tyehimba Jess, Matthea Harvey, Cathy Park Hong, Matthew Rohrer, Dorothea Lasky, Anselm Berrigan, Angel Nafis, Joanna Fuhrman, Leigh Stein, Morgan Parker, Ocean Vuong, Tommy Pico, Wendy Xu, former Brooklyn Poet Laureate D. Nurkse, current Brooklyn Poet Laureate Tina Chang, and many more.
At a pivotal point in our history, the voices in this anthology are a testament to the survival of differences. No voice is like another, no vision exactly the same, no cry or incantation a mimicry of another’s. This is a compilation of individual longing, documented, spoken, and sung. The Brooklyn Poets Anthology is an object of celebration, a map of deep longing, and a cultural compass which will show us what it was like to head most boldly into the twenty-first century, what it was like to make noise, to stand against silence, and to create art in a borough that is a proclaimed safe haven for the multitudinous voices who call Brooklyn their home.
“Imagination! who can sing thy force?” said Phyllis Wheatley. Walt Whitman said, “I resist anything better than my own diversity.” Our founders opened a road. How proud they would be (I believe) to see the “men and women of a generation, or ever so many generations hence” putting their hands to the plough. At a time when democracy is under attack, and the inner city is a redoubt, the Brooklyn Poets Anthology doesn’t just uphold real American values, in all their fierce funky variety, it incarnates them. Jason Koo and Joe Pan have put together a collection that makes a dazzling promise for the future of the pluralistic imagination.

Joe Pan is the author of Hiccups (Augury Books) and Autobiomythography & Gallery (BAP). He is the founder and publisher of Brooklyn Arts Press, honored in 2016 with a National Book Award win. He serves as the fiction editor for the arts magazine Hyperallergic and is the founder of the services-oriented activist group Brooklyn Artists Helping.
(photo of Joe Pan by Victoria Pickering)
Hala Alyan
Lemon Andersen
Amber Atiya
Jennifer Bartlett
Rachel J. Bennett
Anselm Berrigan
K.T. Billey
Emily Blair
Marina Blitshteyn
Ana Božičević
Emily Brandt
Libby Burton
Denver Butson
Nicole Callihan
Tina Cane
Tina Chang
Cathy Linh Che
Ken Chen
Christine Chia
Lonely Christopher
Todd Colby
Maxe Crandall
Cynthia Cruz
Margarita Delcheva
Jay Deshpande
Lynne DeSilva-Johnson
Timothy Donnelly
Michael Dumanis
Natalie Eilbert
Justine El-Khazen
Laura Eve Engel
Shira Erlichman
Martín Espada
Howie Faerstein
Monica Ferrell
Farrah Field
Carina Finn
Nick Flynn
t’ai freedom ford
Kit Frick
Peter Cole Friedman
Greg Fuchs
Joanna Fuhrman
Christine Gardiner
Robert Gibbons
Alan Gilbert
Aracelis Girmay
Garth Graeper
Jessica Greenbaum
Patti Greenberg
Alina Gregorian
Rachel Eliza Griffiths
Sarah Jean Grimm
Betsy Guttmacher
Kimiko Hahn
Sam Hall
Reginald Harris
Julie Hart
Matthea Harvey
Thomas Heise
Marwa Helal
Ricardo Hernandez
Edward Hirsch
Cathy Park Hong
Chris Hosea
Christine Shan Shan Hou
JP Howard
Donna Hunt
Cecily Iddings
Lucy Ives
Tyehimba Jess
Abriana Jetté
Modesto Flako Jimenez
Vanessa Jimenez Gabb
Jacqueline Johnson
Patricia Spears Jones
Rachel Kang
Amy King
Joshua Kleinberg
Jennifer L. Knox
Jason Koo
Debora Kuan
Christine Larusso
Dorothea Lasky
Brett Fletcher Lauer
Rickey Laurentiis
Amy Lawless
Sophia Le Fraga
Katy Lederer
Dell Lemmon
Philip Levine
Bill Livingston
Peter Longofono
Kate Lutzner
Sheila Maldonado
Cynthia Manick
David Tomas Martinez
Donna Masini
Bernadette Mayer
Joshua Mehigan
Lynn Melnick
Sharon Mesmer
Matt Miller
Sue Nacey Miller
David Mills
Kamilah Aisha Moon
Emily Moore
Michael Morse
John Murillo
Angel Nafis
Uche Nduka
Rachael Lynn Nevins
D. Nurkse
Miller Oberman
Meghan O’Rourke
Joe Pan
Gregory Pardlo
Morgan Parker
V. Penelope Pelizzon
Tommy Pico
Laura Plaster
Niina Pollari
Bill Rasmovicz
Danny Rivera
Jasmin Rivera
Chris Roberts
Matt L. Roar
Matthew Rohrer
Camilo Roldán
Patrick Rosal
Arthur Russell
Danniel Schoonebeek
Nicole Sealey
Alan Semerdjian
Vijay Seshadri
Purvi Shah
Robert Siek
Emily Skillings
Floyd Skloot
Chris Slaughter
Tom Sleigh
Christopher Soto
Sampson Starkweather
Leigh Stein
Bianca Stone
Paige Taggart
Mervyn Taylor
Charles Theonia
Daniel Tobin
Tim Tomlinson
Ed Toney
Dominique Townsend
Michael Tyrell
Joanna C. Valente
Florencia Varela
Elisabet Velasquez
R. A. Villanueva
M. A. Vizsolyi
Ocean Vuong
Stu Watson
Yun Wei
Abigail Welhouse
Monica Wendel
Jared White
Robert Whitehead
Candace Williams
Jenny Xie
Wendy Xu
Matvei Yankelevich